
Winter is coming (Ode to the natural gas price)

Winter is coming hard to us this year. Or maybe not. But for sure.

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Corona and the European stimulus package

Stimulus package for CORONA affected states.

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Why Corona Passes are good for you?

A fine piece of propaganda from the all mighty European Commission

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Ukraine refugees crisis

As reported by Deutsche Welle

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RIVM screw up estimations, but they are still not wrong

A screw up that is acknowledged, but not corrected. They are never wrong.

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More harm than good - Pfizer case

Trial flaws in design and execution. Safety is overwritten by greed.

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Dutch inflation in simple numbers

Raging inflation in the Netherlands, as experienced by the simple citizens (Cover: Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels)

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Sense8 - Netflix TV Series

Sense8 - cheap woke propaganda

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ECB is back in the game!

ECB promise us more inflation

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Taxation in the Netherlands, Flevoland 2021

Taxation in Flevoland 2021 (Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels)

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Brave Browser

Brave new browser - No ads, no tracking, all batteries included!

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Fighting the good fight: COVID-19 - Dutch version

Another chapter from the holy fight against Coronavirus

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Is the glass half empty or half full?

It depends how you say it or what the context is. It always did.

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Tipping point - only 2 steps to a major climate disaster

Or 3 or more. We also have no idea if they are steps or minutes.

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House prices in the Netherlands - record after record

And how the Dutch Central Bank discovers the hot water (Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

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Covidcentration Camps in Australia

These camps will exterminate the virus

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Taxation in the Netherlands, Flevoland 2020

Taxation in 2020. Increases over the last year.

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Ukraine claims that destroyed one third of the modern Russian tanks

And possible 40% of the North Korea starship fleet

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Hard(core) lockdown in the Netherlands

Government is hell bend to f@ck us all. Rocco Siffredi gives a thumb up for a good shag.

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Vaccination and dropping case numbers

Covid-19 and the Vaccination programme

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